Friday, November 26, 2010

A Snuggie Under the Tree This Christmas

As we launch ourselves into the biggest shopping day of the year, one can't help but think of the pop culture phenomena that have ended up under countless trees over the years. Cabbage Patch dolls, Furbies, Tamagotchi, and most recently, The Snuggie. Frankly, the Snuggie is the most useful of these trends, so why not celebrate song! When you get home from your Black Friday shopping, prop up your feet, wrap up in your blanket (with sleeves!) and enjoy Brian Huber's infectiously fun "Snuggies" video.

Download the "Snuggies" mp3 here!

Laugh all you want, but the Snuggie is a pop culture phenomenon that’s sure to land under some trees this Christmas. Brian Huber, Washington DC poppy songwriter, has tapped into the power of the Snuggie with his synth-powered, catchy ode to the “thermal revolution,” “Snuggies”. The infectiously fun song also has a Sesame-Street-inspired video to go with it. The combination of live animation, puppets, clever lyrics and sing-a-long chorus is likely to bring people back for just one more listen.


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