If you know me and I told you that lately, I’ve been listening to music that has an “electro” vibe, you’d probably think I’m talking about Electric Light Orchestra. However, over the past few years more and more "pop" have lingered with looped beats and keyboard blips on one track and then pure pop on another track. Although Phoenix went the other way around (electro-accented pop to pop-rock). Take U.K.’s Hot Chip for example; the band is usually known for their DFA-electronic pop quirkiness, but on One Life Stand, the band has turned down the knobs for their most emotive and non-danceable album. In the past few years, Canadian musician/producer Rich Aucoin began twisting things around from creating layered and lush experimental pop with handfuls of glockenspiels (seriously) to turning into almost this new persona on stage; hyping up the crowd to computer-beats and sing-along electronic dance jams. Oh and, this ruins my cred, and it’s not really electro.but Pink’s single “Glitter in the Air,” has recently become a Top 40 hit, which may have a lot to do with her insane live performance (you can watch below).
Hot Chip, “One Life Stand” from One Life Stand
Rich Aucoin, “Brian Wilson is A.L.I.V.E.” from a limited-edition single
Lettercamp, “I Know” from the upcoming album Raccoon Panda
Small Sins, “Never Again” from the upcoming album Pot Calls Kettle Black
Major Maker, “In the Middle of the Night” from Funky Lady EP
Francis and the Lights, “Darling, It’s Alright” from It’ll Be Better
Pink, “Glitter in the Air” from Funhouse
Each Monday a different Green Light Go staff member will let you in on what songs have infected their ears for this week while giving you the opportunity to share in the experience yourself.
This week: Shannon McCarthy, Green Light Go Writer/Blogger-in-Chief/Image Consultant
Kali Uchis – “Sunshine & Rain…”
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