Friday, January 14, 2011

High Five! from David Gergen

These are five of the things things I can't live without. Well, I haven't actually tested this theory, but let's just say that without them, I might get really cranky. Please note: In the making of this list the cell phone was intentionally left off due to its destructive and addictive side effects.

1) Thai Food
Hollywood, California is Thai town. There is one place in particular whose menu is based on the street food of Thailand. I can't get enough of it!

2) Channel Islands, CA
Between Ventura and Santa Barbara, about 20 miles off the California coastline, are five small islands. There are no cars or buildings, just water that is as many shades of blue as you can imagine. I often go there for solitude.

3) Red Wine
Red wine opens up the door for the muses to come waltzing through and doctors say its properties help to fight cancer.

4) Zoom Handheld Recorder
A while back, I replaced my cassette micro recorder with this tapeless one. Since it works perfectly for capturing rough ideas, it has saved me from forgetting so many song ideas. I try to keep it close by, in case inspiration strikes.

5) Tom's Fennel Toothpaste
I love this toothpaste! It tastes like licorice and has no chemical additives. A lot of people think organic toothpaste seems disgusting, but Tom's toothpaste leaves a fresh feeling that resembles dessert.

To celebrate the end of the nine to five, a Green Light Go staff member or artist will leave you with their short list of favorite things, better known as the High Five!

This week's High Five! is brought to you by: David Gergen